Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cervical Cancer Killer Many Women

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer or cervical cancer (often also called cervical cancer ) is one of the diseases most common cancer for women. Every one hour, one woman died in Indonesia due to cervical cancer or cervical cancer. The fact is that millions of women in the world are infected with HPV , which is considered the disease through sexual intercourse most common in the world.
In Indonesia, every one hour, one woman died of cervical cancer
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this infection is a major risk factor for cervical cancer. Every year, hundreds of thousands of undiagnosed cases of HPV in the world and thousands of women die from cervical cancer, caused by the infection. Given the fact that this horrible, then the various measures of prevention and treatment have been made to cope with cervical cancer or cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer or cervical cancer occur in the reproductive organs of a woman. The cervix is ​​the narrow part at the bottom between the vagina and uterus of a woman. In part this is happening and where the growth of cervical cancer. What causes cervical cancer or cervical cancer? How do I prevent it? And how to deal with it if already infected with HPV?


Cervical cancer is caused by a viral infection with HPV (human papillomavirus) or human papilloma virus. HPV cause warts in men and women, including genital warts, called condyloma akuminatum . Only a few of the hundreds of variants of HPV that can cause cancer. Cervical cancer or cervical cancer can occur if there is an infection that does not heal for a long time. In contrast, most HPV infections will go away, overcome by the immune system.

Causes and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is attacking the neck of the uterus or cervix are caused by viral infection with HPV (human papillomavirus) that do not heal in a long time. If the immune system decreases, so will mengganas HPV infection and can cause cervical cancer. Symptoms are not very visible at an early stage, that is why cervical cancer that starts from HPV infection is considered as "The Silent Killer" .
Some symptoms can be observed although not always an indication of HPV infection. Whitish or spend a little blood after intercourse is little sign of symptoms of this cancer. In addition, the presence of a yellowish liquid that smells in the genital area can also be an indication of HPV infection. This virus can be transmitted from one patient to another and infect that person. Transmission can be through direct contact and because of sex.
When there is a virus in a person's hand, then touching the genital area, the virus will move and can infect the cervix or neck of your womb. Another mode of transmission is in the closet in a public restroom that has been contaminated by the virus. A cancer patient may use a closet , the HPV virus found in patients switching to the closet . When you use it without cleaning, virus could then move on to your genital area.
The bad one's lifestyle may be supporting the increasing number of patients with this cancer. Smoking habits, lack of vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid may be the cause. If you eat nutritious foods will make the immune system increases and can expel the virus HPV.
The risk of cervical cancer are women who are sexually active since very early age, which often change sex partners, or who have sex with men who like to change partners. Another factor is the Pill for a long time or come from families who have a history of cancer.
Often times, the man who showed no symptoms of HPV infection that is spread to their partners. A man who had sex with a woman suffering from cervical cancer, will become the carrier of this virus. Furthermore, when a man is having sex with his wife, the virus can be passed to and infects his wife.

Detection of Cervical Cancer

How do I detect that a woman infected with HPV that cause cervical cancer? Symptoms of a person infected with HPV are not visible and not easily observed. The easiest way to find out by cytological examination of the cervix. This examination is now popularly known as a Pap smear or Papanicolaou smear is taken from a Greek physician who discovered this method of George N. Papanicolaou. However, there are also various other methods for early detection of HPV infection and cervical cancer as follows:
  • IVA

    IVA is short for Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid. Inspection method and applying a cervical or cervix with acetic acid. Then observed for any abnormalities such as white areas. If no color change, then it can be considered no infection of the cervix. You can do in the health center with a relatively cheap price. This can be done only for early detection. If you see any suspicious signs, then the other detection methods are further to be done.
  • Pap smears

    Pap smear test methods in common: doctors use a scraper or brush to remove a small sample of cells of the cervix or neck of the womb. Then the cells will be analyzed in the laboratory. The test can reveal whether there is infection, inflammation, or abnormal cells. According to the world, with regular Pap smear tests have reduced the number of deaths from cervical cancer.
  • Thin prep

    Method of Thin prep is more accurate than Pap smear. If the Pap smear only take some of the cells in the cervix or uterus, then the Thin prep will inspect all parts of the cervix or uterus. Of course the result will be far more accurate and precise.
  • Colposcopy

    If all test results on the previous method showed the presence of infection or irregularities, colposcopy procedure will be done by using a tool equipped with a magnifying lens to observe the infected part. The goal is to determine whether there are lesions or abnormal tissue on the cervix or uterus. If there is abnormal, a biopsy - taking a small amount of tissue from the body - made and treatment for cervical cancer begin.

Treating Cervical Cancer

If infected with HPV, do not worry, because the currently available range of treatments that can control HPV infection. Several treatments aimed at turning off the cells that contain the HPV virus. Another way is to remove the damaged or infected with electric surgery, laser surgery, or cryosurgery (remove the abnormal tissue by freezing).
If cervical cancer has reached an advanced stage, it will be done chemo therapy. In some severe cases may also be performed hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus or womb in total. Aim is to remove cervical cancer cells that have been developed on the body.
However, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, how to prevent HPV infection and cervical cancer? Here are some ways you can do to prevent cervical cancer.

Preventing Cervical Cancer

Although cervical cancer is scary, but we can all prevent it. You can do a lot of precautionary measures before ultimately suffering from HPV infection and cervical cancer . Some practical ways you can do in everyday life include:
  • Have a healthy diet, rich in vegetables, fruit and cereal to stimulate the immune system. For example, consume a variety of carotene, vitamins A, C, and E, and folic acid can reduce the risk of cervical cancer.
  • Avoid smoking. Much evidence suggests the use of tobacco may increase the risk of cervical cancer.

  • Avoid sex before marriage or at the very young or teenage years.
  • Avoid having sex during menstrual period proved to be effective to prevent and inhibit the formation and development of cervical cancer.
  • Avoid sex with multiple partners.
  • Routinely tested for Pap smears regularly. Currently the test Pap smear can be done even at the health center at an affordable price.
  • Alternative Pap smear is a test IVA with a cheaper cost than a Pap smear. The goal for the early detection of HPV infection.
  • Giving the HPV vaccine or vaccination to prevent HPV infection.
  • Do cleaning or sex organs known as vaginal toilet . This can be done alone or can be also with the help of an expert physician. The goal is to clean the female sex organs of dirt and disease.

Healthy Living Without Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is preventable and treatable. Early detection and perform routine Pap smears will minimize the risk of cervical cancer. Change your lifestyle and your diet to avoid the disease that killed many women in this world. Thus, the health of the cervix or the cervix is more assured. With proper treatment, cervical cancer is not something scary.

Friday, October 21, 2011

What is The Prognosis for Mesothelioma?

Like most cancers, the prognosis for this disease often depends on how early it is diagnosed and how aggressively it is treated. Unfortunately, mesothelioma is often found at a stage in which a cure is unobtainable. Many will succumb to the disease within one year of diagnosis.

Mesothelioma treatment options (traditional and new treatments being studied)
Treatment options are determined by the stage of mesothelioma (the extent to which the tumor has spread in the body). There are three staging systems currently in use, and each one measures somewhat different variables.
The oldest staging system and the one most often used is the Butchart system, which is based mainly on the extent of primary tumor mass and divides mesotheliomas into four stages.

Butchart system extent of primary tumor mass
  • Stage I: Mesothelioma is present in the right or left pleura and may also involve the diaphragm on the same side.
  • Stage II: Mesothelioma invades the chest wall or involves the esophagus, heart, or pleura on both sides. Lymph nodes in the chest may also be involved.
  • Stage III: Mesothelioma has penetrated through the diaphragm into the lining of the abdominal cavity or peritoneum. Lymph nodes beyond those in the chest may also be involved.
  • Stage IV: There is evidence of metastasis or spread through the bloodstream to other organs.
The more recent TNM system considers variables of tumor in mass and spread, lymph node involvement, and metastasis.

TNM system: variables of T (tumor), N (lymph nodes), and M (metastasis)
  • Stage I: Mesothelioma involves right or left pleura and may also have spread to the lung, pericardium, or diaphragm on the same side. Lymph nodes are not involved.
  • Stage II: Mesothelioma has spread from the pleura on one side to nearby lymph nodes next to the lung on the same side. It may also have spread into the lung, pericardium, or diaphragm on the same side.
  • Stage III: Mesothelioma is now in the chest wall, muscle, ribs, heart, esophagus, or other organs in the chest on the same side with or without spread to lymph nodes on the same side as the primary tumor.
  • Stage IV: Mesothelioma has spread into the lymph nodes in the chest on the side opposite the primary tumor, extended to the pleura or lung on the opposite side, or directly extended into organs in the abdominal cavity or neck. Any distant metastases is included in this stage.
The Brigham system is the latest system and stages mesothelioma according to resectability (the ability to surgically remove the tumor) and lymph node involvement.

Brigham system: variables of tumor resectability and nodal status
  • Stage I: resectable mesothelioma and no lymph node involvement
  • Stage II: resectable mesothelioma but with lymph node involvement
  • Stage III: unresectable mesothelioma extending into chest wall, heart, or through diaphragm, peritoneum; with or without extrathoracic lymph-node involvement
  • Stage IV: distant metastatic disease
Source :

Sunday, October 9, 2011

WHO: 30 Percent of Cancer Due to Obesity

World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 30 percent risk of cancer caused by factors of overweight (obesity) and physical inactivity among others because of too much sitting.
"As a member of the UICC (the International Union for Cancer Control), Indonesia Cancer Foundation felt compelled to give information about cancer, in this case related to skin cancer can be detected as early as possible in order to be healed," said Adiati Siregar, Chairman of Indonesia Cancer Foundation in a press release here on Monday.
As with other cancer cases, the lack of knowledge causes many symptoms of premature skin cancers are not reported, let it alone until then cause disability and even death.
Among the various types of cancer cases in Indonesia, was known to show the incidence of skin cancer is increasing and is associated with ultraviolet rays from the sun.
Indonesia Human exposure to ultraviolet light much every day in a long time, but lucky Indonesia has a pigment (skin causes brown-black) which is to protect the body from ultraviolet exposure.
To teach children and teenagers to avoid ultraviolet exposure by being smart and familiar "Sun Smart" sun exposure is by using a hat, umbrella, sunscreen and clothing that covers arms.
This will impact very significant in subsequent years. Sunlight in sufficient quantities, known as the main source of vitamin D.
Exposure to sunlight will stimulate the skin to produce vitamin D is important for bone health, immune system, and various other body processes.
Too little vitamin D in children, associated with the softening of the bones, increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and low good cholesterol (HDL) in the future.
However, exposure to sunlight, especially ultraviolet light between the hours of 10:00 to 16:00 may be a risk factor for skin cancer.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fight Against Cancer : Soursop Leaf VS Chemotherapy (Thousands of Times Stronger)

Soursop Leaf
 "Congratulations, indeed, already pregnant." Yanti Sumiati repeated the greeting received by employees, neighbors and relatives May 2010. Her stomach was enlarged. Many people believe she was 5 months pregnant. Yanti broken heart just devastated. For instead of the fetus in the womb, but cervical cancer, which claimed the life of one woman every four minutes.
Yanti Sumiati know that cervical cancer when he checked out a clinic in Warungbuncit, Municipality of South Jakarta. Lower stomach pain, "such as tingling, pain," said women in Bogor, West Java, the 20th Born August 1978. The pain radiating into the left leg. Conditions that encourage them to Jackie to the gynecologist and obstetrician, Dr. Slamet Zaeny SPOG fell to sixth May 2010.
Physicians who scan Jackie shook her head. "Look at the monitor, the cancer of the head," said Dr. Slamet Zaeny SPOG repeated as yanti. CA levels - an indicator of cancer cells - 113.39 U / ml, normal less than 35 U / ml Lying on her, looked her on the scanner screen. Doctors recommend surgery Yanti. However, the third child of six siblings chose a different path. For before the inquest in April 2008 he underwent surgery to cope with cysts.
But two years later he was stricken with cervical cancer. The symptoms of cystic appearance identical to that of cervical cancer. 32 year old woman can choose herbal medicine. She attended a botanist and received three kinds of herbs in capsules for a month. Unfortunately, Jackie million paying RP9 not know what kinds of herbs that he consumed.
Yanti discipline was taking 3 capsules 3 times daily Herb. However, it is not a sign of healing. In fact, the growing belly and appetite. Villagers Kebagusan, Pasarminggu District, South Jakarta, was also experiencing insomnia and feeling miserable: tilt to the left of the expanded part of the cancer cells on the left, right, helped to right. Circumstances that led to Jackie decided to operation on 10 August 2010 to have.
A day earlier, he found his parents in Ciampea, Bogor regency. That's when Jackie with neighbors, co-founder bio Study Center, Bogor Agricultural University, Prof. Dr. MS Ervizal PM meets piety. Piety information on the effectiveness of soursop leaves some of the results of research abroad. Professor of the Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University, suggested that eating Jackie soursop leaves. The next day Jackie terminate the operation and cook 10 pieces of fresh soursop leaves in 3 cups water to a boil.
After the stew cool, he drank it. Frequency 3 times a day per glass. Fery Firmansyah wife also ate meat once a day soursop fruit. He cut four pieces of medium size, Weight 7.6 ounces. A piece of fruit of Annona muricata enough for one day. On 24 August 2010, he was shocked when it ridiculously easy to zip and buttoned his pants to pull. First, it is not easy to wear pants because of the growing belly. He is truly realized that the stomach empties.
That morning he tried to sleep, but his stomach without gelambir as before. He tilted to the left and right several times, but there were no lumps in the abdomen that the movements continue to follow. "I was crying because of the excitement," said the woman who married in 2007. Cured? This claim yanti. A month later he went to the obstetricians and midwives. The scans showed there was no longer running in the cervix.
According to the physician and botanist in East Jakarta, Dr. Willie Japaries MARS, loss of cervical cancer cells can in various ways, like the scales yanti with urine or feces. But emptied after Jackie for 14 days consumption of fruit and soursop leaf to the stomach, there was no change in color or shape of feces and urine. Japaries said another way of detoxification through sweating.
"My mind was off. I was happy," he said with his face lit up. After the abdomen, deflate yanti hungry at every meal, so that the body is always fresh. Insomnia is also gone, he can now sleep peacefully. But until now he has yet to consume a glass of soursop leaf decoction once a day.
10,000 times
Changes in the original condition of the stomach like a woman get pregnant and then deflate in just 2 weeks it is very fast. PIETY originally predicted, yanti the change only after 3 months of routine srikaya relatives to eat the leaves reached. 90 days was predicted to information that he has been made over the Internet.
Yanti Sumiati not the only one that the effectiveness of the leaf members of the Annonaceae family felt. Another example, in Sri Haryanto Yulisnawati Yogyakarta and prostate cancer (breast cancer in Palembang, South Sumatra).
Doctors also recommend interventions to Yulisnawati. However, he prefers it cooked in front of a glass of soursop leaves to consume three times a day. Two months later, more and better his condition. Yulisnawati not check the condition of cancer. In the case of Haryanto, the doctor did not recommend surgery because of advanced age, 70 years old. Haryanto herbalist who is also the soursop fruit juice (read: Soursop stop prostate cancer, page 18)
In addition to the three types of cancer - to overcome the cervix, breast and prostate cancer soursop leaves are also scientifically proven lung, kidney, pancreas and intestine are. That the research findings of researchers at the School of Pharmacy, Purdue University, Indiana, USA, Jerry L McLaughlin. Researchers to obtain, the soursop leaves from Garut, West Java, it turns out that the leaves of Annona muricata potent cancer cells to overcome 7. Soursop leaves, which had been neglected proven effective devour cancer cells.
What's behind it? Researchers at the School of Biological Science and Technology Institute of Technology Bandung, Prof. PhD research found Soelaksono Sastrodihardjo soursop leaves with Jerry L McLaughlin drug acetogenins. Perform preclinical studies with a variety of cancers such as lung cancer cells and cells of the pancreas. "The purpose of the study, a drug developed to treat cancer," says biology doctoral alumnus of the University Urban Champaign, USA, is it.
Takes "Acetogenins inhibits ATP (adenosine triphosphate, red). ATP energy source in the body. Cancer cells need a lot of energy, so there are a lot of ATP, said Sastrodihardjo. Acetogenins in and to the receptor cell walls and damage the walls of the ATP in the mitochondria. The effects of power generation in cancer cells and stops cancer cells eventually die. Remarkably acetogenins are very selective, attacking only the cancer cells have more than ATP. not penetrate the connection with other cells are normal in the body. "Acetogenins disrupt the circulation of cancer cells by reducing the amount of ATP . This makes the compounds considered selective and choose only the cancer cells will be attacked in soursop leaves, "said Sastrodihardjo.
Not only selective, acetogenins awesome too! The Journal of Natural Products study showed, MJ Rieser, XP Fang and McLaughlin, a researcher at AgrEvo Research Center, North Carolina, United States, that soursop kill sheet on cancer cells of the colon up to 10,000 times stronger than Adriamycin and chemotherapy.
Adriamycin, which has the generic name of doxorubicin, a drug used to treat various types of cancer such as leukemia, prostate cancer, lung cancer and pancreatic cancer. While chemotherapy is the treatment of cancer is by entering one or medication that kills cancer cells have properties.
According to researchers at the Cancer Chemoprevention Research Center, Gadjah Mada University (UGM CCRC), only Qumara Fitriyah McLaughlin's research showed a small dose, soursop leaf to effectively suppress cancer cells. McLaughlin's research on crude extracts of leaves of the soursop ED50 <20 mg / ml, while the pure compounds ED50 only <4 ug / ml basis, meaning that the dose of boiled eat 10-15 soursop leaves still safe.
Trends soursop
After Ervizal AM PIETY soursop research had covered up for 10 years because of "threatening" the survival of the chemotherapy and the chemical industry. In addition, soursop affordable prices. The results were: "Right after the family of a cancer research to disseminate and publish in cyberspace," said the head of the Department of Plant Conservation and Biodiversity, Faculty of Forestry Bogor Agricultural University, it is.
Several organizations in the country began the mystery of the soursop leaves and relatives to discover. Just to name one example, a researcher at the Center for the Study of bio IPB, Prof. Dr. K. Darusman Latifah, until now the investigation of the dominant chemical constituents in the leaves of the soursop. Meanwhile, researchers at the University of Gadjah Mada, Prof. Dr. Sismindari, exploring the properties of seeds and leaves of rich srikaya ribosomes inactivating proteins (RIPs). 'RIP is capable of damaging protein synthesis in cells that are "as dead, said Sismindari.
Consumption of soursop leaves not only for patients but also good for healthy people. After Ervizal AM piety, leaves kasiat soursop for healthy people, "adding immunity and prevent uric acid. For men, soursop leaf to increase the number and strengthen the sperm." In Indonesia, now the doctors and herbalists prescribe soursop sheet for the patient. There are prescribed occasionally - soursop leaf only, but some are concocting soursop leaf combination with other herbs such as rhizomes temuputih and bitter. Write soursop leaf, among other things, to address a variety of cancers.
Herbalist in Yogyakarta, writes Lina Mardiana soursop leaves or fruit, especially in lieu of chemotherapy in cancer patients. "Increasing the effectiveness of leaves or fruit, soursop, free radicals, cancer cell drying, curing inflammation in the body, and especially the endurance of the patient so that the body is to remove weak," said Lina Mardiana. The doctors and herbalists like Valentina Indrajati in Bogor, West Java, select the sheet that is - not too old and too young. Of shoots, leaves, roughly equivalent to 4 to 6
The herbalists prescribe soursop leaf is not only to overcome the cancer cells. Herbalist in Gegerkalong, Municipality of Bandung, West Java, Sarah H Kriswanty prescribe, for example, soursop leaf to cope with bronchitis and convulsions. While Lina Mardiana soursop leaf to patients suffering from infections, like strep throat, intestine, digestion, constipation prescribe (read: Sentosa Since Graviola page 24).
Prescribe according to Dr. Willie Japaries MARS also soursop leaves, leaves of Annona muricata is neutral, so suited to cope with various types of cancer. Other herbalists prescribe too, soursop leaf, among others, Dr. Utami Prapti in South Jakarta and Mary Andjarwati (Kelapagading, North Jakarta. The herbalists and doctors prescribe it largely new soursop leaves in 2-4 years. In general they are not mixed, but the patient who are preparing to cook the leaves of the search.
Please understand, until now on the market is not yet available soursop extract in capsules such as capsules Graviola branded circulation abroad. Therefore, they are preparing. Patients who do not normally buy seed soursop trees. The effects of seed demand is increasing. Manufacturers of fruit seedlings in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, said symbol Haryadi demand soursop seedlings in September 2010 to 400 seeds. In fact, usually only 10 seedlings per month. "Stock seeds in the garden until they are exhausted, and now I am to reproduce again," said Haryadi.
Such is the demand on the nursery property Tebuwulung Eddy Soesanto in Cijantung, East Jakarta, the seeds reached 600-700 per month. Significant increase in demand that occurred in the past four months. Manufacturers of fruit seedlings in Bogor, West Java, Syahril same. Dutch durian seed demand is fantastic, reached in August 2010 3000-5000 plants per month; earlier, 500 seedlings per month. Price of seed as high as 40-50 cm in different breeders Rp20.000 - Rp30.000. Due to the high demand for breeder seed with the use of soursop leaves or fruits are connected as a traditional medicine. Yeni Sumarni right word is eat soursop leaf, 'cancer drug it was cheap, we do not need to spend millions of money".
(Sardi Duryatmo)

Motivator Parade; Said the action!

"What is courage?" His eyes sparkled with lights, panoramic view of the entire space Seminar. "Courage is the willingness to leave really realize the fact. Area (zone comfort), we easily.

 As human beings, as creatures another, "he continued," we instinctively natural enjoy a sense of comfort. What is comfort? Worms comfortable in the darkness, away from the reaction Rays. Cockroaches, too. We? It could be comfort It comes from an established job, big salary. Could learn as of our justification for not ready Swimming, for fear of drowning, for example. Convenient area are the things that make us stop asking. 

 " I am flabbergasted! The words come of a woman who is physically far from perfect. His right leg is eaten Cancer-making should be let go amputated to save his life. Not to mention ... ah, I want to scream aloud in those who complain about the government itself continues themselves: they have not nothing compared to Miss C! He had been told about the "misfortune" that happened to him is impressive. Miss C was always opened the seminar by his motivation about him. It was directed at them Who are not fortunate in his life. First, as a girl, she was a child a funny how children in general. Playing jump rope. Chases. Swim. And his favorite sport, skiing, ice. Cycling also. Growing up until the age of 14 years. Suddenly he felt something strange in the his right leg. He lost control of his legs. His parents took him to the doctor. Short History, she was diagnosed with a malignant cancer advanced stage of nesting at the foot addition right. He lost his right leg. Amputation the only medical option that may be, at the time. After successfully collecting splinters Trust, together with the healing physically, he still plays with his friends, Motivator Parade, Said the action! "What is courage?" His eyes sparkled with lights, panoramic view of the entire space Seminar.

 "Courage is the willingness to leave really realize the fact Area comfortable (comfort zone) we are as usual. While there are a tease He said. He ignored it and even He was a teenager, 18 years old. He kept going out. To dance Leave school. The age of eighteen years. Cancers that were once crawl in his leg again. This time in her chest. Right. He said, to himself, "What kind of test is it?" Then Miss C, with a calm mind himself, 

"Hey, look: You do not have breast left! "When the mirror one last time before surgical removal of the right breast. Operation The appointment went well. If the process Recreation for the operation running again He was diagnosed with cancer. Malignant cancer is now caress her left breast. Finally, as consider using the Recovery Process malignant cancer that is Miss C operation. Second Breasts away. "Life was difficult for me," he said recalls. "I was concerned, have Children ... Feed my own children. "Finally, armed with experience Face of Fear, "his eyes again, "I said, 'Hey, you can still have kids. " "I continue to live with words of encouragement it. I can still children, greeted him. I'll say it again and again. Conceived, designed. Again I have Pick up pieces of a broken heart.

"If things keep going this way and I began
recovered to come to another crucial test. Again and again, I
diagnosed with malignant cancer, this time it was filed in
my body! Oh my God! I could not believe
God. Destiny. I cried. Cursed.
My dream destroyed.

By blowing Breath Detect Cancer

Haifa, to detect the presence of cancer, doctors usually perform screening tests using CT or MRI or a biopsy (tissue sample). But with the latest technology, the cancer can be detected by the breath.
Scientists have for the "electronic nose" that can be used as a simple breath test found to detect several common cancers, namely lung, breast, colon and prostate cancer.
Can be identified by the use of sensors, the changes in body chemistry, scientists can detect not only the breath of healthy individuals and cancer patients, but also four different types of tumors, which often identify with people.
While the technology continues to develop, has shown early development a success, inexpensive and easy to use. In addition, the portable test DPAT also help in diagnosing cancer early.
"If we can confirm the first results in large-scale studies with this new technology is a simple tool for early detection of cancer in combination with imaging devices," said Abraham kuten from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, as Reuters reported on Wednesday ( reported 11 / 8 / 2010).
Kuten and his colleagues studied the breathing of 177 people, consisting of healthy people and people with some types of cancer, detect, various chemicals from the surface of cancer cells emit if it starts to grow.
This discovery, published in the British Journal of Cancer, is a continuation of previous studies that were published by scientists from the same institute last year.
In previous studies, the sensors with gold nanoparticles are able to detect lung cancer produced by breathing. Such a device called a cancer alcohol test.

Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer

Patients with colorectal cancer can be cured if the malignancy is detected early. Conventional tests such as blood tests and digital rectal cryptic, but cancer can be detected at an advanced stage. Now, studies led technique that can detect this cancer early.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a malignant disease that occurs in the colon to the rectum. The time is slow growing cancer, 15-20 years old.
"When detected early, recovering patients very big opportunity," said the expert in hematology oncology at the Medical Faculty of the University of Indonesia (Faculty of Medicine), Aru W Sudoyo, collecting from patients with colorectal cancer in Jakarta, Saturday (14 / 5) .
According to him, so much as 95 percent of cases are treated for colon cancer, if detected early has to be through testing and detailed inspection. Unfortunately, this has not happened in Indonesia. The majority of patients diagnosed with colon cancer for treatment if they had advanced. More than 50 percent of cancer patients are unconscious and found too late disease.
According to Ibrahim Basir, abdominal surgeon at the Faculty of Medicine, there are early signs of recognizing the early stages of colon cancer, may be accompanied by other weight loss through a change in bowel changes or bloody stools.
Other symptoms of diarrhea or constipation without apparent cause for more than six weeks, pain in the back of the abdomen, bloating, stomach felt or even still full after defecation.
"Most people felt the symptoms were reluctant to seek medical attention. She also wants digital rectal examination is not a disgrace," he said.
In fact, the easiest way to diagnose cancer, colon cancer.
Digital rectal examination is performed to spend the presence of polyps in the hole at the same time to determine abnormalities in the prostate to determine. Occult blood tests in the laboratory in patient stool samples performed to detect the presence of blood that comes from polyps.
Two ways it can contribute to a picture of better treatments and effective. In addition to non-invasively, from observation of the colon (colonoscopy) performed two-introducing a different way, namely biomolecular detection and radioisotope examination with barium.
Barium enema test, liquid barium into the intestine brought through the rectum and then detected by X-rays. This examination can detect cancer and polyps in the amount of more than 1 cm.
Biomolecular recently for colorectal cancer in stool samples of patients introduced to test tumor M2-PK (pyruvate kinase M2), which is a marker (biomarker) is metabolic tumors.
The marker gene Eigenbrodt E is found in Germany was in 1992, then developed ScheBo Biotech. In the study measured the metabolic activity of colon cancer at an early stage.
"This method can be adenomas or polyps that bleed do not know," said Adityawati Ganggaiswari, biomedical experts from Indonesia Cancer Foundation.
DNA testing clinics opened in Lebak Bulus yki, Jakarta. Rate of Rp 200,000. Investigation of the M2-PK in stool samples of patients in a laboratory owned by Kalbe Farma will be carried out, said Adityawati.
Yki In addition, there are two hospitals in Jakarta, which provides the service.
In the world, colon cancer, resulting in the deaths of about 608,000. This represents 8 percent of all cancer deaths and the fourth type of cancer that causes death. Nearly 60 percent of cases are found in developing countries, including Indonesia.
Relation to nutrition
In Indonesia, Handoko Santoso, Director of Medical and Regulatory Sanofi-Aventis Group, said in Indonesia, even in young people at high risk for colon cancer. In fact, it was found in children of 13 years.
"It is closely associated with changes in diet and lifestyle are the west, especially in urban areas in the context," said Aru.
Way and the wrong diet is not healthy, it's eating too many foods high in fat and low in fiber are often preservatives and dyes that are not exposed to food. In addition, the lifestyle is at the risk of colorectal cancer is smoking, less exercise, and many sit / lack of exercise.
For the suppression of colorectal cancer cases in developed countries including the United States issued regulations require that these over 50 years with an endoscopy-based detection, such as colonoscopy in the elderly. This method can be found without symptoms of colorectal cancer

Introduce Smoking to You

According to some opinion, smoking is a bad habit, which was for a long time in Indonesia's entrenched. Several factors with smoking culture in Indonesia can be connected, including many tobacco grown in Indonesia and smoking is one of the non-oil commodities. Furthermore, today, especially in rural areas associated with the culture of smoking culture of masculinity that men, men who do not smoke less than men. In urban areas like Jakarta, the culture of smoking persisted further, although most of the intellectuals had the dangers of smoking to health (Wawolumaya, 1996) understood. 

Several reports on the prevalence of smokers in the municipality lies between 30-34%. The results of MONICA (Multinational Monitoring of Trends and Cardiovascular Diseases Determinantsin) Harapan Kita Hospital in my heart with the WHO 1988/1989 received 59.9% of men smoke and 5.9% of the women performed. Most started smoking at age 10 to 20 years (63.3%), while 33.1% started smoking after 20 years (Hanafiah and Sani, 1993). The research was conducted in the general population shows nearly the same rate. Research in Lombok and Yogyakarta, smoking habits among men in a row, there were 75% and 61% (aged 15 years and older) and women less than 5%. In Jakarta, showed that 64.8% of men and 9.8% of women aged 13 years and older smokers (Salan, 1993). Likewise, the research was conducted on groups of high school in Surabaya, found that 31.5% of students among students who smoke 79% of men and 21% of women smoked (Martini, et al., 2000). 

It was widely known that smoking is one of the causes of cardiovascular disease and cancer. The results of the Household Health Survey (NHHS) carried out research and development of MOH in 1986 and 1992 showed an increase in the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease of 9.7% to 16%. It turned out that in addition to affect the smokers themselves, someone who inhale tobacco smoke in the environment is actually a greater risk for the disease, such as, for example, exacerbate respiratory diseases, asthma and angina pectoris to a tightening. Especially for children may increase the risk to get an attack of acute respiratory infections and lung diseases in the future (Riyadina, 1995). 

The underlying factors, smoking behavior, especially in the youth group, student or youth from the influence of friends / environment, eliminating loneliness, eliminate social tensions and tool / communication (Manalu, 1993), a member of the group / band to look tough / masculine, the influence of advertising smoking, mature look. Instead of factors that contribute to the behavior of not smoking in children and adolescents is a lack of attention and guidance from parents, one of the reasons for smoking parents. Research by Martini, et al. Guided by students do not smoke, if there be side effects or problems when the parents know that children are smoking (Martini et al., 2000). 

Considering how big the losses due to smoking is necessary to do a variety of prevention against the onset of smoking behavior. An attempt is to find out at the attitude and the role of parents during this against the smoking behavior of adolescents. It is also, by the fundamental importance of adolescent health, the backbone of the nation is strengthened, it is necessary to research on health behavior in adolescence. 

The purpose of this study is to examine aspects of the parents of teenagers in the attitude and play a role in preventing, their children not to smoke. The information gained from this study will be used to compile or create preventive measures against the occurrence of smoking behavior of the young generation, especially teenagers. In order to be implemented for health promotion efforts, and can reduce the prevalence of smoking in the long run.