Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fight Against Cancer : Soursop Leaf VS Chemotherapy (Thousands of Times Stronger)

Soursop Leaf
 "Congratulations, indeed, already pregnant." Yanti Sumiati repeated the greeting received by employees, neighbors and relatives May 2010. Her stomach was enlarged. Many people believe she was 5 months pregnant. Yanti broken heart just devastated. For instead of the fetus in the womb, but cervical cancer, which claimed the life of one woman every four minutes.
Yanti Sumiati know that cervical cancer when he checked out a clinic in Warungbuncit, Municipality of South Jakarta. Lower stomach pain, "such as tingling, pain," said women in Bogor, West Java, the 20th Born August 1978. The pain radiating into the left leg. Conditions that encourage them to Jackie to the gynecologist and obstetrician, Dr. Slamet Zaeny SPOG fell to sixth May 2010.
Physicians who scan Jackie shook her head. "Look at the monitor, the cancer of the head," said Dr. Slamet Zaeny SPOG repeated as yanti. CA levels - an indicator of cancer cells - 113.39 U / ml, normal less than 35 U / ml Lying on her, looked her on the scanner screen. Doctors recommend surgery Yanti. However, the third child of six siblings chose a different path. For before the inquest in April 2008 he underwent surgery to cope with cysts.
But two years later he was stricken with cervical cancer. The symptoms of cystic appearance identical to that of cervical cancer. 32 year old woman can choose herbal medicine. She attended a botanist and received three kinds of herbs in capsules for a month. Unfortunately, Jackie million paying RP9 not know what kinds of herbs that he consumed.
Yanti discipline was taking 3 capsules 3 times daily Herb. However, it is not a sign of healing. In fact, the growing belly and appetite. Villagers Kebagusan, Pasarminggu District, South Jakarta, was also experiencing insomnia and feeling miserable: tilt to the left of the expanded part of the cancer cells on the left, right, helped to right. Circumstances that led to Jackie decided to operation on 10 August 2010 to have.
A day earlier, he found his parents in Ciampea, Bogor regency. That's when Jackie with neighbors, co-founder bio Study Center, Bogor Agricultural University, Prof. Dr. MS Ervizal PM meets piety. Piety information on the effectiveness of soursop leaves some of the results of research abroad. Professor of the Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University, suggested that eating Jackie soursop leaves. The next day Jackie terminate the operation and cook 10 pieces of fresh soursop leaves in 3 cups water to a boil.
After the stew cool, he drank it. Frequency 3 times a day per glass. Fery Firmansyah wife also ate meat once a day soursop fruit. He cut four pieces of medium size, Weight 7.6 ounces. A piece of fruit of Annona muricata enough for one day. On 24 August 2010, he was shocked when it ridiculously easy to zip and buttoned his pants to pull. First, it is not easy to wear pants because of the growing belly. He is truly realized that the stomach empties.
That morning he tried to sleep, but his stomach without gelambir as before. He tilted to the left and right several times, but there were no lumps in the abdomen that the movements continue to follow. "I was crying because of the excitement," said the woman who married in 2007. Cured? This claim yanti. A month later he went to the obstetricians and midwives. The scans showed there was no longer running in the cervix.
According to the physician and botanist in East Jakarta, Dr. Willie Japaries MARS, loss of cervical cancer cells can in various ways, like the scales yanti with urine or feces. But emptied after Jackie for 14 days consumption of fruit and soursop leaf to the stomach, there was no change in color or shape of feces and urine. Japaries said another way of detoxification through sweating.
"My mind was off. I was happy," he said with his face lit up. After the abdomen, deflate yanti hungry at every meal, so that the body is always fresh. Insomnia is also gone, he can now sleep peacefully. But until now he has yet to consume a glass of soursop leaf decoction once a day.
10,000 times
Changes in the original condition of the stomach like a woman get pregnant and then deflate in just 2 weeks it is very fast. PIETY originally predicted, yanti the change only after 3 months of routine srikaya relatives to eat the leaves reached. 90 days was predicted to information that he has been made over the Internet.
Yanti Sumiati not the only one that the effectiveness of the leaf members of the Annonaceae family felt. Another example, in Sri Haryanto Yulisnawati Yogyakarta and prostate cancer (breast cancer in Palembang, South Sumatra).
Doctors also recommend interventions to Yulisnawati. However, he prefers it cooked in front of a glass of soursop leaves to consume three times a day. Two months later, more and better his condition. Yulisnawati not check the condition of cancer. In the case of Haryanto, the doctor did not recommend surgery because of advanced age, 70 years old. Haryanto herbalist who is also the soursop fruit juice (read: Soursop stop prostate cancer, page 18)
In addition to the three types of cancer - to overcome the cervix, breast and prostate cancer soursop leaves are also scientifically proven lung, kidney, pancreas and intestine are. That the research findings of researchers at the School of Pharmacy, Purdue University, Indiana, USA, Jerry L McLaughlin. Researchers to obtain, the soursop leaves from Garut, West Java, it turns out that the leaves of Annona muricata potent cancer cells to overcome 7. Soursop leaves, which had been neglected proven effective devour cancer cells.
What's behind it? Researchers at the School of Biological Science and Technology Institute of Technology Bandung, Prof. PhD research found Soelaksono Sastrodihardjo soursop leaves with Jerry L McLaughlin drug acetogenins. Perform preclinical studies with a variety of cancers such as lung cancer cells and cells of the pancreas. "The purpose of the study, a drug developed to treat cancer," says biology doctoral alumnus of the University Urban Champaign, USA, is it.
Takes "Acetogenins inhibits ATP (adenosine triphosphate, red). ATP energy source in the body. Cancer cells need a lot of energy, so there are a lot of ATP, said Sastrodihardjo. Acetogenins in and to the receptor cell walls and damage the walls of the ATP in the mitochondria. The effects of power generation in cancer cells and stops cancer cells eventually die. Remarkably acetogenins are very selective, attacking only the cancer cells have more than ATP. not penetrate the connection with other cells are normal in the body. "Acetogenins disrupt the circulation of cancer cells by reducing the amount of ATP . This makes the compounds considered selective and choose only the cancer cells will be attacked in soursop leaves, "said Sastrodihardjo.
Not only selective, acetogenins awesome too! The Journal of Natural Products study showed, MJ Rieser, XP Fang and McLaughlin, a researcher at AgrEvo Research Center, North Carolina, United States, that soursop kill sheet on cancer cells of the colon up to 10,000 times stronger than Adriamycin and chemotherapy.
Adriamycin, which has the generic name of doxorubicin, a drug used to treat various types of cancer such as leukemia, prostate cancer, lung cancer and pancreatic cancer. While chemotherapy is the treatment of cancer is by entering one or medication that kills cancer cells have properties.
According to researchers at the Cancer Chemoprevention Research Center, Gadjah Mada University (UGM CCRC), only Qumara Fitriyah McLaughlin's research showed a small dose, soursop leaf to effectively suppress cancer cells. McLaughlin's research on crude extracts of leaves of the soursop ED50 <20 mg / ml, while the pure compounds ED50 only <4 ug / ml basis, meaning that the dose of boiled eat 10-15 soursop leaves still safe.
Trends soursop
After Ervizal AM PIETY soursop research had covered up for 10 years because of "threatening" the survival of the chemotherapy and the chemical industry. In addition, soursop affordable prices. The results were: "Right after the family of a cancer research to disseminate and publish in cyberspace," said the head of the Department of Plant Conservation and Biodiversity, Faculty of Forestry Bogor Agricultural University, it is.
Several organizations in the country began the mystery of the soursop leaves and relatives to discover. Just to name one example, a researcher at the Center for the Study of bio IPB, Prof. Dr. K. Darusman Latifah, until now the investigation of the dominant chemical constituents in the leaves of the soursop. Meanwhile, researchers at the University of Gadjah Mada, Prof. Dr. Sismindari, exploring the properties of seeds and leaves of rich srikaya ribosomes inactivating proteins (RIPs). 'RIP is capable of damaging protein synthesis in cells that are "as dead, said Sismindari.
Consumption of soursop leaves not only for patients but also good for healthy people. After Ervizal AM piety, leaves kasiat soursop for healthy people, "adding immunity and prevent uric acid. For men, soursop leaf to increase the number and strengthen the sperm." In Indonesia, now the doctors and herbalists prescribe soursop sheet for the patient. There are prescribed occasionally - soursop leaf only, but some are concocting soursop leaf combination with other herbs such as rhizomes temuputih and bitter. Write soursop leaf, among other things, to address a variety of cancers.
Herbalist in Yogyakarta, writes Lina Mardiana soursop leaves or fruit, especially in lieu of chemotherapy in cancer patients. "Increasing the effectiveness of leaves or fruit, soursop, free radicals, cancer cell drying, curing inflammation in the body, and especially the endurance of the patient so that the body is to remove weak," said Lina Mardiana. The doctors and herbalists like Valentina Indrajati in Bogor, West Java, select the sheet that is - not too old and too young. Of shoots, leaves, roughly equivalent to 4 to 6
The herbalists prescribe soursop leaf is not only to overcome the cancer cells. Herbalist in Gegerkalong, Municipality of Bandung, West Java, Sarah H Kriswanty prescribe, for example, soursop leaf to cope with bronchitis and convulsions. While Lina Mardiana soursop leaf to patients suffering from infections, like strep throat, intestine, digestion, constipation prescribe (read: Sentosa Since Graviola page 24).
Prescribe according to Dr. Willie Japaries MARS also soursop leaves, leaves of Annona muricata is neutral, so suited to cope with various types of cancer. Other herbalists prescribe too, soursop leaf, among others, Dr. Utami Prapti in South Jakarta and Mary Andjarwati (Kelapagading, North Jakarta. The herbalists and doctors prescribe it largely new soursop leaves in 2-4 years. In general they are not mixed, but the patient who are preparing to cook the leaves of the search.
Please understand, until now on the market is not yet available soursop extract in capsules such as capsules Graviola branded circulation abroad. Therefore, they are preparing. Patients who do not normally buy seed soursop trees. The effects of seed demand is increasing. Manufacturers of fruit seedlings in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, said symbol Haryadi demand soursop seedlings in September 2010 to 400 seeds. In fact, usually only 10 seedlings per month. "Stock seeds in the garden until they are exhausted, and now I am to reproduce again," said Haryadi.
Such is the demand on the nursery property Tebuwulung Eddy Soesanto in Cijantung, East Jakarta, the seeds reached 600-700 per month. Significant increase in demand that occurred in the past four months. Manufacturers of fruit seedlings in Bogor, West Java, Syahril same. Dutch durian seed demand is fantastic, reached in August 2010 3000-5000 plants per month; earlier, 500 seedlings per month. Price of seed as high as 40-50 cm in different breeders Rp20.000 - Rp30.000. Due to the high demand for breeder seed with the use of soursop leaves or fruits are connected as a traditional medicine. Yeni Sumarni right word is eat soursop leaf, 'cancer drug it was cheap, we do not need to spend millions of money".
(Sardi Duryatmo)

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