Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dialectology : Interpretation of the phonological differences

[U] ~ [כ] ~ [o]In DP 1, 4, and 5 are variations vokoid high back rounded sound [u] with the rear being publicly vokoid unanimously voiced [כ], and there are variations in the back was unanimously voiced vokoid [o]. Process occurs phonological similitude because of the existence of vocal harmonization on the table phonological numbers 43 gloss (ear) that the DP 1, 4, and 5 providing such [kupeŋ] and providing such [kupεŋ] into [k כ pεŋ] on DP 2, and became [Kopen] on DP 3.NO Gloss 1 2 3 4 543. Ear [kupeŋ] [k כ pεŋ] [Kopen] [kupεŋ] [kupeŋ]
[N] ~ [n]In DP 1, 3, 4, and 5 are variations consonant Dorso-velar voiced nasal [n] with a nasal consonant apikodental / voiced lamino-alveolar [n] on phonological table number 1 gloss (hands) on DP 2. Metathesis process occurs due to a change in structure or composition but not much different meaning, namely [vulnerability] to [vulnerability].NO Gloss 1 2 3 4 51. Hand [vulnerability] [vulnerability] [vulnerability] [vulnerability] [vulnerability]
[I] ~ [ə] ~ [e]In DP 1, 4, and 5 contained high front vokoid variation was unanimously voiced [i] with the center being a central voice vokoid [ə], and there are variations are not rounded front vokoid silent [e]. Similitude phonological processes occur due to the existence of harmonized vocals on table number 21 gloss phonological (thinking) yiatu DP 1, 4, and 5 [miker], [thinking] into [məkkər] on DP 2, and became [meker] at DP 3.NO Gloss 1 2 3 4 521. Thinking [miker] [məkkər] [meker] [Thinking] [miker]

Interpretation of lexical differences
1. Gloss left at DP 1, 3, 4, and 5 [kiw כ] is a native Java language. In DP 2 [kacεr] is a native Madurese language.2. Gloss right on DP 1, 3, 4, and 5 [təŋən] is a relic languages, namely preservation of the Old Javanese language, which means right. In DP 2 [right] is a loan from the Indonesian language.3. Gloss foot of the DP 1, 3, 4, and 5 [cycle], [sekel], [sikIl] is a native Java language. In DP 2 [s כ k כ h] is the original language of Madura.4. Gloss running at DP 1, 3, 4, and 5 [Mlaku] is a native Java language. In DP 2 [ajələn] is a native Java language.5. Gloss road at DP 1, 4, and 5 [Dalan] is a relic languages, namely preservation of the Old Javanese language, which means street. And the DP 2 and 3 [εmb כ n] is the original Java language. But on DP 4 also contained [objection] which is a native Java language as well.6. Gloss comes in DP 1, 3, 4, and 5 [tək כ] is a relic languages, namely preservation of the Old Javanese language which means coming. While the DP 2 [dətəŋ] is the native language of Madura.7. Glos turn on DP 1, 3, 4, and 5 [her כ?], [Mεŋg כ?], [Mbεl כ?] Is the original Java language. In DP 2 [Milu?] Is the language of the original Madura.8. Gloss swim on DP 1 [dudusan] is the native language of the Java language. In DP 2 [arənaŋ] is a native Madurese language, and at DP 3, 4, and 5 [ŋlaŋI], [ŋlaŋi] is a native Java language.9. Gloss dirty on DP 1 [rus כ], DP 4 and 5 [rəgət] is a native Java language. And DP 3 [chaotic] is a relic languages, namely preservation of the Old Javanese language, which means dirty. In DP 2 [k כ t כ r] is the language of the loan from the Indonesian language.10. Gloss dust on DP 1, 3, 4, and 5 [bəldok], [blədUk], [blədo?], [Blədok] is a native Java language. In DP 2 [abuh] is a native Madurese language.11. Gloss leather on DP 1, 3, 4, and 5 [kulet], [kolet], [skin] is a relic languages, namely preservation of the Old Javanese language, which means skin. In DP 2 [k כ lε?] Is a native Madurese language.12. Gloss back on DP 1, 3, 4, and 5 [gəgər] is a relic languages, namely preservation of the Old Javanese language, which means the back. And the DP 2 [bləkəŋ] is the native language of Madura.13. Gloss stomach at DP 1, 3, 4, and 5 [wətəŋ] is a relic languages, namely preservation of the Old Javanese language which means the stomach. In DP 2 [taboo?] Is a native Madurese language.14. Gloss bones at DP 1, 3, 4, and 5 [balloons], [bəlUŋ] is a native Java language. In DP 2 [t כ lan] is a native Madurese language.15. Gloss bowels of the DP 1, 3, 4, and 5 [content wətəŋ] is a native Java language. In DP 2 [εsənah taboo?] Is a native Madurese language.16. Gloss breast at DP 1, 3, and 4 [milk] is the native language of the Java language. In DP 2 [s כ s כ h] is a native Madurese language, as well as the DP 5 [pəntIl] is a native Java language.17. Gloss shoulder at DP 1 [smell] is a loan from the Indonesian language. At 3, 4, and 5 [punda?] Is a relic languages, namely preservation of the Old Javanese language, which means shoulder. And the DP 2 [bəUh] is the native language of Madura.18. Gloss know in DP 1, 3, 4, and 5 [r כ h], [əro], [wərUh], [əroh] is a native Java language. In DP 2 [ta כ h] is a native Madurese language.19. Gloss scared of DP 1, 3, 4, and 5 [wədi] is a relic languages, namely preservation of the Old Javanese language, which means fear. In DP 2 [no כ?] Is a native Madurese language.

Abdus Salam

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