Sunday, November 7, 2010


3.1 Structure of Origin Legend Naming Sumberboto Ds. Japanan Kec. Mojowarno Kab. Handsome
Structural analysis in this study uses the structure theory ala Maranda, which is using the term Terem and Function. To Terem use either a, b, c, d, e, f and so on. As for function use either x, y, and z. use of a sign: and:: in the analysis indicate a causal relationship. While the formula used is: (a) x: (b):: (y) a-1.

Chronology Stories
1. Jake Messenger is a messenger of the kingdom of Majapahit who is authorized to make bricks for building the kingdom of Majapahit and temples in the area around the kingdom of Majapahit.
2. Jake Messenger wants to establish a new kingdom in the area of making bricks.
3. Jake Messenger of making laws.
4. Jake Messenger of violating a law made herself.
5. Jake Messenger took his wife in Gempol Porong Wulanjiwo Panji.
6. Break warfare in the city of Malang between Panji Wulanjiwo by Jake Messenger.
7. Jake servant suffered defeat and death.
8. Jake Messenger failed to establish a new kingdom.
9. In place of the former manufacturing bricks, there are springs that never dry even in rainy season.
10. Japanan Villagers found a spring that flows in between the bricks (Boto in Javanese).
11. The surrounding community was named Sumberboto the source that flows from between bricks (Boto).

a: Jake Messenger b2: Panji Wulanjiwo
a1: b3 Majapahit Kingdom: Malang
a2: Act c: Villagers Japanan
b: New Kingdom c1: Society
b1: c2 Wulanjiwo Panji Wife: Sumberboto

x1: y3 envoy: War
x2: Authority Y4: Violate
x3: Building y5: Failed
x4: Making z1: Finding
y1: Establishing z2: Source
y2: Seize Z3: Named

Special code N = Legend Sumberboto Origin Denomination

The story line can be described in a form formula as below:
N = (a) x1: (a) x2: (a1) x3: (a2) x4:: (b1) y2: (b2) y3: (b3) y3: (b) y1: (b) y5:: ( c) z1: (c1) z2: (c2) Z3
Based on the flow structure formula legend naming Sumberboto origin, can be explained as follows:
Jake Messenger is a messenger of the kingdom of Majapahit who is authorized to make bricks for building the kingdom of Majapahit and temples around him. He intends to establish a new kingdom that begins with the making of laws that must be adhered to all his subordinate soldiers. However, because she violated the law which he had built himself, which took a wife Panji Wulanjiwo dio Gempol Porong mengekibatkan outbreak of war in the city of Malang. In war, he died. So, gagallah his efforts in establishing a new kingdom. Villagers Japanan find springs out of the bricks (Boto) then the community called the place with the name Sumberboto (source coming out of the 'Boto').

3. There are two functions in the Legend of the Origin Denomination Sumberboto
Oral literature is an integral part of community culture. Growth and development in accordance with the pattern of society in general. Each oral literature pack functions contained therein. However, not all functions of the existing theories can be applied to the Legend of Origin Denomination Sumberboto.
Legend The origins of naming Sumberboto based on the theory of functions of William R. Bascom, which has four functions, namely: 1) as a form of entertainment (as a form of amusement), 2) as an instrument of ratification institutions and cultural institutions (it plays in validating culture, in justifying its Rituals and the institution to those WHO perform and Observe Them), (3) as an educational tool the kids (it plays in education, as Pedagogical device), and (4) as a tool of force and the superintendent for the norms of society will always adhered to the collective (maintaining comformity to the accepted pattern of behavior, as means of applying social pressure and exercising social control).

3.2.1 As a form of entertainment (as a form of amusement).
The origin legend found on the naming Sumberboto contains a form of entertainment in it. Entertainment here that is related to the physical evidence is still clear and obvious, namely the existence of monuments Sumberboto baths. Formerly, a place which is where the manufacture of bricks at the time of Majapahit kingdom after it was discovered and named by the local community developed even become a tourist place which preserved local government. The following quotations confirm that to date at these places are tourist attractions:
... eruh'e bentuk'e akeh botone. But Grandma about where wisatane ... (Interview, Purwanto September 2007).
... batubatanya Namya him shape. But if on the loveliest ... (Interview, Purwanto September 2007).
Thus, until now the community can enjoy this place as a form of entertainment (pointing to the sights Sumberboto).
3 .. 2.2 As the instrument of ratification institutions and cultural institutions (it plays in validating culture, in justifying its Rituals and the institution to perform and those WHO Observe Them).
In the days of the Majapahit kingdom, a place now called Sumberboto is where making bricks. The place is also the largest source of flowing Japanan village. In addition, the site formerly used by the pack Jarwo ascetic who served as defense Cinder region. Because of his success in an ascetic, he was appointed Minister of Forestry. To commemorate the place, built a monument to flow from the spring source Sumberboto. Therefore, Legend said it is used as an instrument of ratification of institutions and cultural institutions. Marked by a monument on the tourist sites Sumberboto baths. Here's the full quote:
Nek sumber'e I do not understand mbak ... eruh'e bentuk'e akeh botone. But Grandma about where wisatane, coolies, FE nyrita'aken Saget. Lha riyen it panggen'e ngriki damel pertahanan'e pack Jarwo sing dadi dadi Cinder Kene defense battalion chief serving III Vanara forces. Lha source niku fireworks ..... riyen Jarwo pack lacquers ben dadi bengi meditation forestry minister appointed trus trus diarani power source iku. Gawe ngenang place iku didirikno monument in 1970 (interview, Purwanto September 2007).
If I do not understand the source mbak ... I just know its a lot batubatanya. But if on the loveliest places, I can tell. In the past, this place be a place of defense Jarwo pack that serves as Cinder, Head Battalion III Vanara forces. Lha Source iyu Flowers .... Jarwo pack the place had once meditated. Later she was appointed as Minister of Forestry because that's dubbed as the Source rank. To commemorate the site, the monument was established in 1970 (interview, Purwanto September 2007).

3.2.3 As a means of children's education (it plays in education, as Pedagogical device).
The legend contained in the origins of naming Sumberboto can also be used as a tool to educate children about good and evil. That the good will get a good reward. Conversely, bad things will seem too bad reward.
Lha sopo sing nglanggar law patches Dene kenek Iki Iki upas'e Ulo. Lajeng dhewek'e piyambak nglanggar undang'e law. Panji bojone Ngrebut Wulanjiwo sing wonten Gempol Porong. Akhir'e ndadosaken warfare wonten Malang. Nggih diumbar kalih prajurit'e. Wong de'e violated. Akhir'e piyambak'e killed wurung dadi kingdom (interview, Khamdi September 2007).
Any person who violates this law just as exposed to snake venom. It turned out that he himself is breaking them. Seize wife Panji Wulanjiwo in Gempol Porong. Finally solving the war in Malng. Left alone by the soldiers. Because he himself violated. Finally he died before his new kingdom stands (interview, Khamdi September 2007).
From these quotations, it seems clear that those who planted the good it will reap good too. However, if the spread of ugliness, the ugliness would not be inevitable.

3.2.4 As a means of force and the superintendent for the norms of society will always adhered to the collective (maintaining comformity to the accepted pattern of behavior, as means of applying social pressure and exercising social control).
From the Legend of the origin Penamaaan Sumberboto above, found no function that represents as a means of force and the superintendent for the norms of society will always adhered to the collective.

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